dry skin??NO MORE..here is for you (review: KIEHL'S and nano spray for moisturize)

sooo it because i have many face problem a few weeks ago, i cant review makeup,i cant put makeup, oh NO!
alcohol makeup remover, makeup, my pimple is getting too muchhh..and crackyy skin..tadaaa~ dehydration skin- dry skin.. and you know, its getting hurt sometimes if im in a room with air cond.
and because of my old treatment..i dont know its containing alcohol or not,im pretty sure it has alcohol..become my face sooo dehydration..

thats my dehydration skin.. cracky! see that!!

and this is my skin after i use KIEHL'S for past 3 days.. no more dry skin
my skin become moist ,bright+glow

you see that??
so here ,
what is KIEHL's?

Kiehl's is an American cosmetics brand retailer that specializes in making premium skin, hair, and body care products. Founded as a single pharmacy in New York City's East Village in 1851, Kiehl's was purchased by the L'Oréal Group in 2000 and currently has more than 250 retail stores worldwide, and over 1000 points of sale supplemented by sales in high-end department stores, select airport locations, as well as independent stockists.

bla bla bla 
so i came to KIEHL's in senayan city mall,1st floor in sogo department store
i told the spg .."mau tanya,kulit saya kering banget,sampe kelupas,dan sakit kalo di ruangan ac,mungkin karna produk yang sebelumnya membuat kulit saya kering karna mungkin mengandung alkohol. apa produk yg bagus ya?ini produk darimana?apakah bagus?

spg jawab: "ini ada ultra moisturizer buat kulit kakak yg kita liat sangat dehidrasi,karna kulit butuh pelembab,apalagi yang suka memakai makeup, seebelum pakai makeup,pakailah moisturize untuk menahan pigmen pewarna pada bedak..
ini produk usa,dan sangat terkenal di luar bahan yg kita gunakan sangat ringan

tu baca tu! yg doyan makeup.. jangan dengan muka kosong aja pake foundation..usahakan dengan moisturizer selalu

its like milk and not too oily ..its good for oily and dry skin,

KIEHL's mengandung Almond oil untuk melembutkan wajah and  formulated for all skin types with squalen, vitamin A and E

here is CC treatment..is like water,and no fragrance

dan ini ada free trial buat produk yg lain, dikasih serum cleary corrective untuk menghilangkan merah2 di wajah akibat bekas jerawat yg membandel
i reccomended this cleary corrective.. it really works for me!! and this CCdarkspot solution treatment is temporally used.. its only if you have reddish pimples or dark spot. you dont need to use everyday if you dont have
and UV cream from KIEHL's its absolutely good.. its SPF 50++
it means 50times longer before you start to burn.. 500minutes under sun it means 8hours??

and this is NANO SPRAY
what is nano spray,??
jadi ini adalah kecanggihan teknologi jaman kini, gatau berasal darimana dan mengapa begini..
ini elektronik yang mengubah air O2 jadi spray wajah
bisa di refil (ada wadah air di dalam)
dan air ini harus diisi dengan air mineral yang 90 persen mengandung oksigen
you can found in any supermarket, O2 mineral bottle
then spray it!

FEEL IT!! FEEL... ~ 

it feels like: cool, fresh, its like water came out my face so gently and refresh your hectic day, really..
maybe some people have stressed because have many assignment..or dateline or deadline.. makes your skin become old,and depressed.. and this is the solution tadaaa...~
did you know?consume O2 water everyday can makes your skin younger and bright.. some people said O2 water is bitter, hell..its healthy dude.. 

and done^^
its my little review how to survive from dry and dehydration skin..
no more cruchy face..no more ugly face..
* i have review because i tried and if its good i will make a review,if not, im not make review, it because i already review this product it means its good really good for a sudden attack bad skin like me..
jadi yang tiba2 bisa punya masalah kering,jgn kawatir, beli nano spray dimana, minum o2 water everyday and use KIEHLs moisturize..done..

price: KIEHL's moisturize IDR 340.000 or £15.50
nano spray : IDR 1,xxx,xxx
